
Assisted Reproduction

We’ve brought more than 50 000 babies into the world and have helped countless number parents fulfill the dream of having children

Infertility Procedures


The IVF journey has several steps: egg and sperm retrieval, selection of the sperm, insemination, and finally the transfer of the embryo into the uterine cavity. IVF has helped give life to thousands of babies worldwide.

Egg Donation Treatment

An infertility solution for women with non-viable eggs; women use a donated egg from an egg donor to improve chances of a healthy pregnancy.


Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) places sperm inside a woman's uterus and increases the chance of natural fertilization.


This is a widely performed infertility treatment. The sperm is injected directly into an egg cell. This procedure is performed when the sperm has difficulty penetrating the egg on its own.


This method allows lesbian partners to share the motherhood experience: one woman donates her eggs whilst the second receives the embryo with the hope of having a healthy pregnancy. This therapy is only in Spain allowed.
* Egg donation is not allowed by law in Germany and we do not offer this service in Germany.